Chinese soup

Most problematic part of this dish is the hot and sour sliced vegetable mix called “csalamádé” in Hungarian, as this is one of the key ingredients, I have no idea if you can buy anything like that anywhere in Germany.

I would probably try to substitute it with Puszta Salat having vegetables (paprika, cabbage, cucumber, carrots) sliced to thin slices. If you have no available sour vegetable mix, then you can also start with deep frozen Asian vegetable mix, and adding vinegar or lemon to the soup while cooking. The end result needs to be sour and hot.

Cut 0,5 kg of chicken breast into small pieces and fry them in a pan. Season with salt, pepper and green spices (majoran, basilicum, parsley). After the meat is getting a nice color add some white wine and cook until it is almost soft.

Add some chopped onions, cut about 3 carrots to thin and let them cook a bit. Do not let them become completely soft, as it is best if you can still bite into them.

Add about 0,5 kg of the sour vegetable mix, and continue cooking. As I have seen the Puszta Salat version is already soft enough so it does not need any cooking, so only add it at the end.

If the vegetable mix is not hot, I would add some hot pepper, chili or paprika as well. If you have Tom-Yum souce that would be perfect.

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